Head of Latvia's State Security Service likely to stay for another term

The government will decide on Tuesday on the approval of Normunds Mežviets, the head of the State Security Service (VDD), in office for another five-year term.

Interior Minister Rihards Kozlovskis told LETA that living under hybrid warfare conditions requires professional and patriotic service leadership that takes care of national security.

Mežviets manages the service professionally and convincingly, so the decision has been taken to direct him for approval to the next term.

The Law provides that the Head of the VDD shall be appointed for five years by the Cabinet of Ministers upon a proposal of the Minister for the relevant sector.

Mežviets became chief of the VDD (then Security Police) in November 2014.

LETA archives show that the Chiefs of Latvian special services are usually in positions for a relatively long time. Mežviets' predecessor, Jānis Reiniks, was in office between 1999 and 2014.

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