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RTA "izgaršo" latviešu valodu

Foreign students digest Latvian culture in Rēzekne

Take note – story published 5 years and 1 month ago

Foreign students studying in Rēzekne are getting to grips with the Latvian language via a novel teaching tool: food.

The first international Latvian language and culture school "A taste of Latvia" launched in mid-August and has already included students from Lithuania, Estonia, Ukraine, Poland, the Czech Republic, Hungary and Mexico, reported LTV August 12.

Each academic day started in the kitchen, which gave an excellent opportunity to get everyone fuelled up and ready to learn, according to Margarita Graičonoka, Rēzekne Technical Academy's project coordinator.

"This way we can start speaking Latvan right away, even though participants come from various different countries," said Graičonoka.

Talking about food is just one of the teaching methods employed, with special menus prepared which explain the process of preparing different meals. Special emphasis is placed on the culinary culture of Latgale region, a flavor of which you can also get from our series of Latgalian recipes.


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