Another 10 million euros approved for reinforcing Latvia's eastern border

On Tuesday, June 18 the Latvian government decided to allocate 10 million euros from contingency funds for the strengthening of Latvia's eastern border, reports LSM's Latvian language service.

The Ministry of Defense has not specified for precisely which measures the funds are needed, but has explained that the funding is needed to strengthen security, taking into account Russia's large-scale military aggression against Ukraine and growing geopolitical risks.

The money was allocated on the basis of the plan for strengthening Latvia's external borders with Russia and Belarus, adopted at the meeting of the government on March 5. It has a classified status so was discussed behind closed doors.

The defense industry has already been carrying out practical work on strengthening the eastern border since March of this year, with 303 million euros earmarked for border strengthening over the next five years.

The strengthening of the border in Latvia began with the placement of anti-mobility objects, as well as the re-digging of certain roads, creating anti-tank ditches and obstacles.

The national armed forces have identified the necessary locations for the temporary placement of anti-mobility materiel. It is primarily planned to use plots of land under state management, but some privately-owned land will also be subject to reinforcement measures, with negotiations already under way with landowners.

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