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Rīta Panorāma

Intervija ar Saeimas priekšsēdētāju (AS) Edvardu Smiltēnu

Smiltēns: Kyiv could help Rīga with civil defense expertise

Take note – story published 1 year and 7 months ago

Edvards Smiltēns, who is the speaker of Latvia's parliament, the Saeima, told Latvian Television January 24 that Ukraine might send Latvia a system that could help in the area of civil defense.

Speaking to the "Rīta Panorāma" program of Latvian Television, the United List politician said that during a recent visit to Ukraine the topic had been discussed with Kyiv mayor Vitali Klitschko:

"We agreed with the mayor and vice-mayor of Kyiv that Kyiv is ready for the best system that currently exists – 'Kyiv Digital', which is a civil defense system on the phone – that they would be ready to give this system to Latvia as a gift," said Smiltēns.

He explained that the civil defense system uses a "Kyiv Digital" mobile app to warn residents of approaching missiles in Ukraine, indicates places to take shelter, and also works in case of power outages.

Smiltēns believes that Latvia should improve its own outdated civil defense systems. However, it is not necessary to spend millions, but to use existing systems, he maintained.

Negotiations on a possible delivery of the system are currently underway. Smiltēns could not say when further decisions will be made.

The Kyiv Digital app is already available in an English-language version as well as Ukrainian, and provides Kyiv’s main city services and air raid alarms.

Kyiv’s Chief Digital Transformation Officer and the Deputy Mayor of the Kyiv City State Administration, Petro Olenych recently said: “Foreigners can now use the app’s main services. They can log in to Kyiv Digital with a non-Ukrainian phone number, and Kyiv Digital supports all mobile operators' codes (except Russian ones).”

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