Dinija Jemeļjanova

Dinija Jemeļjanova

Latvian Television

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Russian, Belarusian foods still available in Latvian shops
Russian, Belarusian foods still available in Latvian shops
Food products made in Russia and Belarus continue to be sold in small backyard shops and also in the more well-known chain stores. Data collected by the Food and Veterinary Service (FVS) show that food imports into Latvia from these countries are generally declining, but not uniformly across all commodity groups, Latvian Television reports July 19.
Getting on trains still difficult for people with disabilities
Getting on trains still difficult for people with disabilities
This week, the Latvian railway operator introduced a change that persons in a wheelchair should apply for a ride 24 hours in advance instead of three days as previously. There is improvement, but still a long, long way to go, Latvian Television reported on June 27.
Rinkēvičs: Latvian-Russian border will never be ready
Rinkēvičs: Latvian-Russian border will never be ready
Latvia's eastern border should also be strengthened militarily, President of Latvia Edgars Rinkēvičs said on Tuesday, June 18, when assessing the progress of the fence construction on the Latvian-Russian border, Latvian Television reported.
Daugavpils city festival tinged with Russian propaganda
Daugavpils city festival tinged with Russian propaganda
Last weekend Latvia's second-largest city Daugavpils, which is also the city with the largest Russian-speaker proportion, celebrated the 749th anniversary of its foundation. For some celebrants, it ended with reprimands from the State Police and the State Security Service (VDD) for pro-Russian activity, Latvian Television reported June 3.
May 9 passes without major incidents in Latvia(update)
May 9 passes without major incidents in Latvia(update)
In Latvia, May 9 passed without any major infringements. The State Police recorded 65 offenses. Several criminal proceedings were opened. A total of 19 persons were detained, including a May 9 celebrant in Jelgava who fired a gas weapon at a cemetery, Latvian Television reported.
Border reinforcement will not bother locals: National Guard
Border reinforcement will not bother locals: National Guard
The plan to strengthen the Latvian eastern border involves creating various barriers to stop the potential enemy at the border and prevent it from moving further. National Guard commander Kaspars Pudāns told Latvian Television on March 11 that road digging and anti-tank mines would not disrupt local residents or businesses.
Farmers might continue protests in Rīga next week
Farmers might continue protests in Rīga next week
Latvian farmers are considering carrying protests over to the capital city Rīga next week. Farmers met with Prime Minister Evika Siliņa (New Unity) on Wednesday, February 7, and noted that this was a good first step towards achieving solutions. 
Corruption cops pay visit to Rēzekne City Council
Corruption cops pay visit to Rēzekne City Council
Representatives of the Corruption Prevention and Combating Bureau (KNAB) visited the city council of Rēzekne on Tuesday, February 6, and “implemented criminal procedural activities, including searches and interrogations,” KNAB confirmed to Latvian Television February 7.
Ministry mulls takeover of Latvian regional hospitals
Ministry mulls takeover of Latvian regional hospitals
The Ministry of Health (VM) has pledged this year to assess the usefulness of becoming a shareholder in regional health institutions. A couple of years ago it saved the “Ludza Medical Center” from debts, Latvian Television reported January 14.
Daugavpils hospital struggles to scrape by
Daugavpils hospital struggles to scrape by
Daugavpils Regional Hospital has repeatedly reported its financial troubles, and now it owes not only suppliers but also employees. Doctors whose salaries exceed €2,000 will get some of their pay next year, Latvian Television reported December 18.
Green light given for industrial parks in four cities
Green light given for industrial parks in four cities
Jelgava, Ventspils, Liepaja, and Daugavpils have been given the green light for the construction of industrial parks – multi-million projects have been supported to receive funding from the Recovery Fund. Daugavpils could be more attractive to investors than other regions because of lower wage levels there, Latvian Television reports.
Rēzekne is smoking as woodchip piles burn for week
Rēzekne is smoking as woodchip piles burn for week
A pile of woodchips has been smoldering for six days in Rēzekne. Smoke and the smell of burning spreads in the city's northern neighborhoods. Firefighters are working at the scene, urging locals not to stay outdoors unnecessarily. The heap of woodchips was initially about 15,000 cubic meters in bulk, Latvian Television reported on December 6.
Family members charged with murder of seven-year-old
Family members charged with murder of seven-year-old
In the murder case of seven-year-old Justīne Reinikova, the prosecutor has officially charged the father and stepmother with cruel and violent treatment of a child, as well as murder under aggravating circumstances, Latvian Television reported December 1.
Rēzekne's councilors boycott meetings to achieve dissolution
Rēzekne's councilors boycott meetings to achieve dissolution
On Thursday, November 16, the meeting of the Rēzekne City Council had been boycotted by members of the ruling coalition, so for the third time, the sitting could not take place due to a lack of quorum. Six out of 13 members were present, Latvian Radio and Latvian Television reported.
Industrial park plans in eastern Latvia cause environment concerns
Industrial park plans in eastern Latvia cause environment concerns
The municipality of Augšdaugava in east Latvia wants to acquire 256 hectares of state forest land and has been discussing this idea in the Saeima for half a year. The municipality wants to create an industrial park there. No specific companies that will work there or estimates of the benefit have been prepared, Latvian Television reported November 5.
Rēzekne suspected of arbitrarily calculating teacher wages
Rēzekne suspected of arbitrarily calculating teacher wages
In Rēzekne, teachers' salaries might not have been calculated as provided for in the Cabinet of Ministers Regulations, the Latvian Education and Science Workers' Union (LIZDA) has stated. The Ministry of Education and Science (IZM) has also added to the concerns. Rezekne Head of Education does not agree with the allegations, Latvian Television reported November 1.
Missing mother and daughter found in Belarus
Missing mother and daughter found in Belarus
Svetlana Ižika and her three-year-old daughter Karīna, whose whereabouts had been unknown since October 2, have been found in Belarus, the Latvian State Police (VP) said on Thursday, October 26. 
PM Siliņa visits Latvia's eastern border
PM Siliņa visits Latvia's eastern border
On Thursday, October 19, the Prime Minister Evika Siliņa visited the Latvian eastern external border at Opuļi and Robežnieki. Infrastructure-building jobs are moving forward at different paces, the PM concluded after her visit, Latvian Television reported.
Russia limits access through Latvia's Vientuļi border crossing point
Russia limits access through Latvia's Vientuļi border crossing point
Russia has significantly restricted entry into the country through Vientuļi (Ludonka) border crossing point since Friday night, which was still open to border crossers until its October 16 closure, so queues of people and vehicles are forming in Latvia, the Ministry of Interior (IeM) and Latvian Television reported October 14.
Border offenders break into farmhouse; public asked to report sightings
Border offenders break into farmhouse; public asked to report sightings
The house of the border area Ludza municipality resident Jānis Sjakste has been broken into twice by border offender groups now. The perpetrators have been detained, but the feeling of insecurity has remained. State Border Guard said that there were not many such cases, but abandoned farmhouses were getting more attention, Latvian Television reported October 13.
Border Guard: offenders are better-prepared
Border Guard: offenders are better-prepared
It has been another tense weekend in the Latvian-Belarusian border area. A total of 471 cases of illegal crossing attempts were recorded over the weekend. Recent sightings by border guards show larger groups of 20-30 people trying to cross the border at the same time, Latvian Television reported October 2.
Solar panel owners might have to reconsider their capacities
Solar panel owners might have to reconsider their capacities
The Ministry of Climate and Energy (KEM) has prepared amendments to the Electricity Market Law, which stipulates that no more than 20% of the solar electricity produced by the user will be able to be sold to the network. The state has decided that the current system is not beneficial, Latvian Television reported on September 28.
Latvian-Belarusian border fence builders accused of nonpayment
Latvian-Belarusian border fence builders accused of nonpayment
The owners of guesthouses in the border area of Belarus say they have been waiting at least half a year for payment from the builders of the fence of the eastern border of Latvia. The promised wages for winter work in swampy areas have also allegedly not been received by workers. The general contractor, Citrus Solutions, says subcontractors have not been left in debt, Latvian Television reported September 23.
Twelve-kilometer line on Latvian-Belarusian border
Twelve-kilometer line on Latvian-Belarusian border
After the closure of the border crossing point in Silene, the Pāternieki border point has become the only one to cross the border between Latvia and Belarus. As a result, lorry queues have grown significantly, Latvian Television reported on September 22.


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