Dinija Jemeļjanova

Dinija Jemeļjanova

Latvian Television

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Latvian-produced military equipment travels to Ukraine
Latvian-produced military equipment travels to Ukraine
Latvian donors are sending military equipment manufactured locally to the Ukrainian army. Two months ago, the charity “Ziedot.lv” launched a donation-gathering campaign Labas ziņas (“Good News”) for the cause. Since then, EUR 439,768 has been donated. On Wednesday, January 25, the first military cargo traveled to Ukraine, Latvian Radio and Latvian Television reported.
Suspicions of EU fund misuse at Daugavpils University
Suspicions of EU fund misuse at Daugavpils University
The State Police have carried out procedural activities at Daugavpils University, suspecting a possible fraud with the European Union (EU) Social Fund amounting to €600,000, Latvian Radio reported on January 24. The Ministry of Education and Science demands the Daugavpils University Board to provide explanations without delay.
3,000 attempts to smuggle sanctioned goods into Latvia caught
3,000 attempts to smuggle sanctioned goods into Latvia caught
Nearly 3,000 infringements by attempting to import banned goods from Russia and Belarus into Latvia and the European Union have been identified by customs. Most often, it is timber, briquettes, and wood pellets, Latvian Television reported on December 13.
LTV: Wide choice of Russian and Belarusian media on Latvian eastern border
LTV: Wide choice of Russian and Belarusian media on Latvian eastern border
The supply of Russian and Belarusian media in the border area is increasing. This week, near the Latvian-Russian border, representatives of the Latvian State Radio and Television Center (LVRTC) concluded that the neighboring media offer is broader than the local, Latvian Television reported on December 2.
LTV: All relatively quiet on Latvian-Russian border(update)
LTV: All relatively quiet on Latvian-Russian border(update)
On the border between Russia and Latvia, there are currently no crowds fleeing mobilization or otherwise. At the Grebnev border crossing point, this week differs little from others, but there are more patrols along the green borders, Latvian Television reported from the border on September 28.
Local dairy producers predict wave of insolvency
Local dairy producers predict wave of insolvency
Energy bills and milk procurement prices are currently a concern for dairy producers. The company 'Elpa' has just been declared insolvent. If there is no aid, a wave of insolvency is expected for small, domestically-oriented dairy producers, Latvian Television reported on September 12.
LTV: Around 100 Latvian residents go to Russia daily
LTV: Around 100 Latvian residents go to Russia daily
On average, more than 100 Latvian residents travel through three border inspection posts to Russia daily. Since the middle of the summer when Russia lifted the pandemic restrictions on travel, the flow has increased slightly, Latvian Television reported on September 5.
More Ukrainians travel through Latvia in transit
More Ukrainians travel through Latvia in transit
According to the State Fire and Rescue Service (VUGD) which coordinates the Ukrainian refugee flow, more and more Ukrainians cross Latvia in transit, Latvian Television reported July 14.
Latvians travel to Belarus despite security warnings
Latvians travel to Belarus despite security warnings
Belarus has decided to extend the temporary authorization for Latvian and Lithuanian residents to travel without a visa until the end of the year. Although the State Security Service and the Ministry of Foreign Affairs warn of high risks and a special interest of Belarusian special services, the flow of travelers has increased significantly, Latvian Television reported May 18.


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