Jānis Kincis

Jānis Kincis

Latvian Radio

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Health Ministry to discuss shorter self-isolation
Health Ministry to discuss shorter self-isolation
The Ministry of Health (VM) plans to make a suggestion to government next week to reduce the self-isolation time associated with COVID-19 from the current 14 days to ten days, Minister for Health Ilze Viņķele told Latvian Television after the government meeting on Tuesday, September 8.
Latvia will help detained protesters in Belarus
Latvia will help detained protesters in Belarus
In the coming days, Latvian organizations will provide assistance to those who objected to the election results in Belarus and have been affected by Belarusian authorities, Latvian Television said August 26.
August 1 brings 1 meter seat distancing
August 1 brings 1 meter seat distancing
Visitors to cultural venues will have to follow one-meter distance rule when they are in fixed, designated seats, said representatives of the Ministry of Culture July 28.
Levits: We borrow now to invest in the future
Levits: We borrow now to invest in the future
Latvia is in a relatively good position in the COVID-19 crisis, and there are great opportunities to emerge from this situation stronger than before. It is possible to borrow large sums of money, and use them wisely in the name of the future, said the President of Latvia, Egils Levits, in a speech to the last meeting of the Saeima spring session on June 18.
Minimum wage for teachers to increase by EUR 40
Minimum wage for teachers to increase by EUR 40
The government at a meeting of the Cabinet on Tuesday, June 16, supported a €8.2 million grant to raise the minimum salary rate for educators from €750 to €790, reported Latvian Television on June 16.
Riga acoustic concert hall location confirmed(update)
Riga acoustic concert hall location confirmed(update)
On Monday, June 15, coalition parties agreed conceptually to develop an acoustic concert hall construction project in Riga on Elizabetes Street 2 at Kronvalda Park, dismantling the former LPSR Communist Party Central Committee building, where the 'World Trade Center' is now located, Latvian Radio reported on June 15.
COVID-19 draft law conceptually supported by Saeima
COVID-19 draft law conceptually supported by Saeima
The Saeima in the first reading conceptually supported and acknowledged as urgent a draft law intending to regulate the situation of COVID-19 in Latvia after the end of emergency on June 9, Latvian Radio reported on June 4. 
Saeima aims to launch bottle deposit scheme in 2022
Saeima aims to launch bottle deposit scheme in 2022
The Saeima Economic, Agricultural, Environmental and Regional Policy Committee on October 8 approved amendments to the Packaging Law, which deal with introduction of a deposit return system in Latvia and stipulate that the new system will commence on February 1, 2022; the amendments will now be reviewed by Saeima in the third and final reading.


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