Odita Krenberga

Odita Krenberga

Latvian Television

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Medical aid convoy heads to Ukraine from Latvia
Medical aid convoy heads to Ukraine from Latvia
On the frontline, every aid shipment counts. On Wednesday, August 21, seven ambulances and four trucks, along with medical supplies and other necessities for Ukraine, made their way from Riga to Kyiv, Latvian Television reports.
Baltic Way race reaches Rīga
Baltic Way race reaches Rīga
Ultramarathoner Rūdolfs Birnbaums has taken on the challenge of running two marathons in one day, eight days in a row. He is running the Baltic Way as it was 35 years ago. Starting in Lithuania, he reached Latvia and Rīga on Monday, August 20.
Racist attacks on delivery drivers more common than they seem, say police
Racist attacks on delivery drivers more common than they seem, say police
Racist attacks on food delivery couriers are rarely reported to the police. While the victims tolerate the abuse, the perpetrators of racist ideology continue their criminal activities. However, it is now known that the police have identified several food delivery couriers as victims and detained some of the perpetrators, Latvian Television reported on August 12.
"Camp" promised to children stranded in Spain unlawful, says authority
"Camp" promised to children stranded in Spain unlawful, says authority
More than 100 children and young people were stranded in Spain. Their promised "surf camp" in Portugal ended before it even started. The tour operator Fisom, which had left its clients to their fate, had in fact organized an illegal "camp" abroad, according to the Child Protection Center, in whose practice this is the first case of its kind, Latvian Television reported on August 9.
Parliament claims it has been misled about Rail Baltica project
Parliament claims it has been misled about Rail Baltica project
Parliamentary investigators into the construction of the Rail Baltica project will ask the prosecutor's office to assess how the government could act on the project without the knowledge of the Saeima, Latvian Television reported on August 8.
'Air Kariņš' case still under active investigation
'Air Kariņš' case still under active investigation
Another disciplinary case has been initiated in connection with the air travel scandal of former Prime Minister Krišjānis Kariņš (New Unity), the State Chancellery confirmed to Latvian Television on July 24.
Latvian authorities draw attention to extremism risks
Latvian authorities draw attention to extremism risks
Radical sentiments are growing in Latvian society, the State Security Service (VDD) stated earlier this week. Both the VDD and the State Police (VP) ask that attention be paid to signs of radicalization in others - both right-wing and left-wing extremism - and to report them in cases of increased aggression, Latvian Television reported on April 23.

Over the weekend, a group of skinheads were arrested by the State Security Service and the State Police after a cooperation effort to uncover crimes committed against people in Riga's Vērmanes Garden.
Latvian rapper Platina to be expelled from Russia
Latvian rapper Platina to be expelled from Russia
A Russian court has decided to expel Latvian national Roberts Plaudis, a rapper with the stage name Platina, Latvia's Ministry of Foreign Affairs (MFA) told Latvian Television on April 23.
MEP Ždanoka gets penalty from European Parliament
MEP Ždanoka gets penalty from European Parliament
On Wednesday, April 10, the European Parliament (EP) sanctioned MP Tatjana Ždanoka of the Latvian Russian Union party for violating the European Parliament's code of conduct, Latvian Radio and Latvian Television reported.
Russian presidential 'election' shows 2% turnout in Latvia
Russian presidential 'election' shows 2% turnout in Latvia
Voters in the so-called Russian presidential "elections" gathered outside the Russian Embassy in Riga on Sunday, March 17. Several protests were also held there. Law enforcement officers monitored the situation and several people were detained, Latvian Radio and Latvian Television reported.
Fallen war volunteer buried in Latvia
Fallen war volunteer buried in Latvia
Former Latvian National Armed Forces (NBS) soldier Vitālijs Smirnovs died volunteering for Ukraine at night from September 30 to October 1 in a drone attack carried out by Russia in eastern Ukraine. On Tuesday, November 7, the urn with ashes was buried in Latvia.
Latvian sock producers size up supermarkets
Latvian sock producers size up supermarkets
The supermarket network “Rimi” has narrowed procurement from Latvian sock and stocking producers to favor Chinese-produced socks. Sock producers say they might have to look for other markets, Latvian Television reported on September 3.
Businesses claim lack of state support in exiting Russian market
Businesses claim lack of state support in exiting Russian market
"Come get state aid and we will help you exit the Russian and Belarusian market" – such calls to entrepreneurs have publicly been heard from the Ministry of Economics. Entrepreneurs, on the other hand, are frustrated that the previous export refocusing aid program is already closing, but the new one has still not started, and the process of coordination is too slow, according to a Latvian Television report September 2.
Fake medical diagnoses case linked to Latvian-language exams
Fake medical diagnoses case linked to Latvian-language exams
A criminal case on false psychiatry diagnoses was initiated in June in connection with efforts to get out of Latvian language exams mandatory for Russian citizens, the Corruption Prevention and Combating Bureau (KNAB) confirmed to Latvian Television on August 7.
LTV looks at Russian 'spy gadgets' in Latvia
LTV looks at Russian 'spy gadgets' in Latvia
Russian diplomats have been expelled from many countries around the world but facilities through which Russian secret services may still obtain valuable information remain, Latvian Television reported on August 6.
Russian pensioner language exam-taking causes social media outrage
Russian pensioner language exam-taking causes social media outrage
A video taken in Daugavpils has gained millions of views on TikTok – it shows an elderly woman carried upstairs to take a Latvian language exam. Russian propaganda channels have managed to use the material for their own purposes, Latvian Television reported July 25.
Latvian, Lithuanian presidents discuss energy independence
Latvian, Lithuanian presidents discuss energy independence
On Wednesday, July 19, Latvian President Edgars Rinkēvičs went on the second foreign visit as president – to Lithuania, where he met with the Lithuanian President Gitanas Nausėda to discuss energy independence, Latvian Television reported.
Latvian business loses the 'snow crab' case in Norwegian court
Latvian business loses the 'snow crab' case in Norwegian court
After several years of fighting over the rights of Latvian fishers to fish for snow crabs in Svalbard, the Norwegian Supreme Court has deemed that Norway does not have to provide foreigners with access to crabbing on the continental shelf of Svalbard, Latvian Television reported on March 22.
Asylum seekers complain of poor treatment at Mucenieki center
Asylum seekers complain of poor treatment at Mucenieki center
"They take away the television, punish by taking away food packs, and a family with an infant must live in a moldy room," such complaints have been received by asylum seekers in Latvia from Russia, Ukraine and Belarus at the accommodation center Mucenieki. The Citizenship and Migration Affairs Office (PMLP) under whose leadership the center is, denies these claims, Latvian Television reported on January 21.
Rinkēvičs: Letting TV Rain into Latvia was correct
Rinkēvičs: Letting TV Rain into Latvia was correct
Allowing the Russian television channel “TV Rain” or “Dozhdj” to take shelter from Kremlin censorship and to work in Latvia was the right decision, the Foreign Minister Edgars Rinkēvičs told Latvian Television on December 5, adding that the channel should be held responsible for providing assistance to the Russian army.
Latvia steps up infrastructure security due to Nord Stream incident
Latvia steps up infrastructure security due to Nord Stream incident
In response to the information on potential sabotage of the gas transmission infrastructure in the Baltic Sea “Nord Stream”, the Latvian authorities have stepped up security measures in the energy transmission infrastructure sector, the Ministry of Interior told LETA on September 28.
'Moscow' park in Rīga renamed 'Latgale'
'Moscow' park in Rīga renamed 'Latgale'
Moscow Gardens in Rīga is to be renamed Latgale Park, as decided by Rīga City Council on May 18. It is a return to the original name it had during pre-war free Latvia in 1937.
PM Kariņš: No country has money to pay price of war
PM Kariņš: No country has money to pay price of war
Latvia will have to live with the price increases seen following the Russian invasion of Ukraine, and no country has the money to offset them, said Prime Minister Krišjānis Kariņš after meeting with president Egils Levits on March 16, Latvian Television reported.
Court cancels ethical breach fine on LTV show
Court cancels ethical breach fine on LTV show
The court has ruled against a fine imposed by the National Electronic Mass Media Council (NEPLP) on Latvian Television's broadcast 'Aizliegtais paņēmiens' (Forbidden Method), LTV reported February 6.
Latvian School Youth Song and Dance Festival will still take place
Latvian School Youth Song and Dance Festival will still take place
School Youth Song and Dance Festival has to be held, but in a different format, taking into account epidemiological requirements and focusing on municipalities, according to the coalition's opinion April 19. The final decision has not yet been taken and will be decided by the government.


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