Local fish gets its own trademark in Burtnieki, Latvia

A new trademark "Burtnieka zandarts" (Burtnieks' zander) has been created in Valmiera. This summer, seven restaurants and cafés in the municipality were granted the right to use it, Latvian Radio reported on August 18. The use of this trademark provides a guarantee that the zander served is actually grown and caught in Burtnieki.

Two years ago, the commercial catch limit for zander and pike in Lake Burtnieks was reduced in order to protect the fish resources. It was then that, believing that the Lake Burtnieks zander is an important asset of the lake, work started to develop the Lake Burtnieks Zander brand.

Andris Klepers, a tourism specialist and professor at Vidzeme University of Applied Sciences, explains the idea: "What is important is to protect it, because it is subject to counterfeiting. Burtnieks' zander has a very strong name, because sometimes a zander raised in Kazakhstan or perhaps in a neighboring country, brought here frozen, is referred to as Burtnieks' zander. This is the opportunity to stand on the market for our values."

But what is the value of this Lake Burtnieks zander? As Klepers pointed out, it is, first of all, the historical story linked to the fishing traditions of the area.

"This place has been inseparably linked to fishing for at least 9,000 years (...) but unlike rod fishing, which has always been allowed and still offers very good opportunities, net fishing is very limited and regulated. We were very close to the point a few years ago that fishing might be stopped, and at that point, with this decision, we could have broken a tradition that goes back many thousands of years, one of the reasons, of course, being the fish resources of the lake, the ecological quality of the lake, the availability of fish. In reviewing all this, we also came to the idea that it has to have a value, that if it is not possible to fish in very large volumes, then what is taken out has a name, has a meaning, and has an international resonance."

Currently, five fish farms are fishing in Lake Burtnieks, one of which is 'Meldri A.V.'. Anita Vētra, the owner of Meldri fish farm, said that she could not complain about the catches: "Everything is fine with the fish, there are a lot of zander, less pike. Only the hot weather is a problem. The boys, the fishermen, have to work, they have to go into the lake two or three times to get the fish out fresh. Zander has always been special because it is a freshwater fish, it lives in water that is relatively clean, and it is tasty, very tasty. I don't know what can compete with the Lake Burtnieks zander."

Anita Vētra's farm is also the one that provides the opportunity for the inhabitants of the municipality to get their hands on Burtnieki zander. "We give the fish to licensed traders, mostly they sell to Valmierians at the market and they go to 10-15 places in Valmiera, plus Smiltene, plus Valka - they come and sell our fish."

Burtnieks zander is also on offer in several local cafés and restaurants. Also on the menu of Mazsalaca chefs Danija and Ēriks Pudniks-Linde. The new trademark will now prove that it is indeed Burtnieks' zander.

"Zander is very much, as they say, our 'signature dish'. A lot of people choose zander, we also have it written on the menu that we have Burtnieks zander, and as soon as we got the email that we could get this brand, we applied straight away. When we first thought of putting fish on the menu, Burtnieks zander was the first choice," explained the caterers.

Valmiera restaurant Akustika also received the new trademark. Uģis Bormanis, the restaurant's manager, commented on its importance: "I think this recognition is very important, because every single thing we can highlight and promote in our region is extremely important, even our inclusion in the Michelin Guide has brought a lot of tourists to Valmiera, so every significant recognition like this attracts people. They are interested in what it is, and they want to come and taste it, so it is very cool. I think it will be one more reason to come here."

Now the next step, as tourism officer Andris Klepers explained, is work to get Burtnieks zander on the European list of unique products, or protected geographical origin register, as Carnikava's and Salacgrīva's lampreys are.

"Burtnieks zander should be known throughout Europe, just like the Italian Dolomite Alpine trout or the German carp, and we already know the sound of the Carnikava lamprey. The Burtnieks sturgeon is of equal value and the way forward from this local recognition and legal consolidation is further to the national value that is under negotiation. Next year, I think, we can expect it to be recognized at the European level as a geographically protected trademark - Burtnieks zander," he explained.

The right to use the trademark "Burtnieks zander" can be obtained by submitting an application to the municipality. Registration and use of the trademark are free of charge.

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