Very Cool People offer seasonal fayre with 'Little Drummer Boy' video

Take note – story published 3 years and 8 months ago

Immodestly-named Latvian musical ensemble Very Cool People have got into Christmas song mode with the release of a new video featuring their cover version of the yuletide standard "The Little Drummer Boy".

Recorded in English and featuring guest artists Ralfs Eilands and Kristīne Praulina, the video is set in an Elvi convenience store during the current coronavirus crisis, though unfortunately only the store staff are wearing masks.

Some sort of slapstick shoplifting comedy effort is made among all the parum-pa-pum-pumming but to be honest the coherence of the video concept is somewhat questionable.

After merrily waving some firearms around, cops arrive at the scene of the minor felony, whereupon a suddenly bare-chested Eilands takes the microphone, introduces a jazzy musical break sequence and proceeds to freak out in the soft drinks aisle.

Nevertheless, it may provide five minutes of seasonal distraction and the horn arrangements are nice.

However, in our opinion this latest version comes nowhere near to topping the memorabe David Bowie/Bing Crosby version of 1977 in which it's arguable which performers appears to be on the largest amount of pharmaceutical medication.


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