Submissions open for Export and Innovation Awards

The Latvian Investment and Development Agency (LIAA) and the Ministry of Economics are announcing the competition "Export and Innovation Award 2024", described as "the highest state award in business".

Companies will be evaluated in five categories: "Export Champion", "Innovation Champion", "Export Growth Leader", "Export Newcomer" and "Most Exportable New Tourism Product".

Applicants are invited to submit applications for the open competition by September 2 , by filling out the form here . The winner of the category "The most exportable new tourism product" in the group of small and medium-sized commercial companies will receive a cash prize of 10,000 euros.

On the other hand, for the award in the category  "Export Newcomer"  this year, companies with an export proposal whose export volume reached at least 50,000 euros in 2023 and are planned to increase it to one million euros within five years are invited to apply.

Companies must have a website in at least two languages ​​and at least three employees. Application for participation in the competition can be submitted  until September 2 by filling out the form here . The winner in the "Export Newcomer" category will receive a cash prize of 10,000 euros.

Export and Innovation Awards 2024
Export and Innovation Awards 2024

"The Latvian Exporters' Association "The Red Jackets" has been one of the competition organizers and cooperation partners for the last few years. This year, we are especially happy to take care of the "Export Newcomer" category, because we believe that it contains valuable export start-ups and companies that have started exporting relatively recently, but have great potential and deserve to be honored for their achievements on the Latvian scale. " said  Kaspars Rožkalns, chairman of the board of "The Red Jackets" exporters association and also, incidentally, the former head of LIAA.

Data on the companies' exports, turnover, created added value, profitability, number of employees and investments in research will be evaluated. Also, the jury will get acquainted with the company's development plans, investments in human capital, ensuring sustainable growth, research and cooperation with scientific research institutions, investments in marketing activities for promoting the product in foreign markets and other important aspects for the merchant.

In the "Export Growth eader" category, the winner will be a company operating and developing in one of the smart specialization sectors: biomedicine, medical technology, pharmaceuticals, photonics, smart materials, technology and engineering systems, smart energy and mobility, information and communication technology, as well as knowledge in the field of extensive bioeconomy in the woodworking or food industries.

In the "Innovation Champion" category, the winner will be selected based on data on companies' investments in research and development.

You can find more information about the competition, and the rules of the competition on the website

The winners of all categories will be honored at an award ceremony on December 5.

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