Latvian ministries compare notes on long-term support for Ukraine

On Wednesday, 24 July, Minister for Foreign Affairs Baiba Braže chaired an inter-institutional meeting on long-term support and security commitments for Ukraine, to discuss practical implementation of the agreement concluded by the President of Latvia and the President of Ukraine back in April.

The inter-institutional meeting brings together representatives from all involved ministries who will provide information about the work accomplished and plans ahead concerning the bilateral agreement on security commitments. The meeting also addresses areas where further coordination is needed.

Braže told her colleagues: "Recent events – the first Ukrainian peace summit in Switzerland and the NATO summit in the USA – clearly marked the determination of the partner countries to continue their strong support for Ukraine." 

Meeting of ministries and institutions on support for Ukraine
Meeting of ministries and institutions on support for Ukraine

As previously reported by LSM, the Agreement enshrines Latvia’s commitment to provide Ukraine with military support to the amount of 0.25% of GDP by 2026, continuing the military assistance already provided. The Agreement sets out specific areas of military support, including activities in the Latvian-led Drone Coalition, the supply of military equipment and weapons, and training of military personnel.

Latvia’s non-military support includes development cooperation, support for the reconstruction of the Chernihiv region, cooperation in the field of digital, energy and cyber security, as well as prevention of hybrid threats. The Agreement also provides for close cooperation in international organizations over a ten year period.

Discussing what has been done so far and further plans, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs said that Latvia continues to support the reconstruction of Chernihiv region - implementing social infrastructure projects and projects in the field of European integration. Also mentioned were development cooperation projects supported by Latvia in medicine (rehabilitation and microsurgery), agriculture, small and medium-sized enterprises development, European integration and other fields.

The ministries reported on the support they and wider sectors have provided to Ukraine so far in the context of security commitments, as well as their support to Ukraine in the EU integration process. 

The area of ​​civil demining, which is critically important for Ukraine, was also discussed, including around ​​Chernihiv. Considering that there is no responsible institution in this field in Latvia, further discussions between individual ministries on the coordination of this issue will be necessary, a Foreign Ministry release promised. 

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