Latvian citizen suspected of people smuggling via Lithuania

Take note – story published 2 years and 9 months ago

Lithuanian border guards in the Lazdijai district near the Polish border have detained a Latvian citizen who has taken four migrants from Latvia to Poland in his car, the Lithuanian State Border Guard Service has announced, LSM's Latvian language service reports.

Lithuanian border guards in the Lazdijai district near the Polish border have detained a Latvian citizen who has taken four migrants from Latvia to Poland in his car, the Lithuanian State Border Guard Service has announced, LSM's Latvian language service reports.

Border guards have found out that the passengers of the car, who according to the initial information are Iraqi citizens, applied for asylum in Latvia, but without waiting for an answer, they left the asylum center and left the country illegally.

A pre-trial investigation into the smuggling of people across the state border has been launched by the Lithuanian State Border Guard Service.

Lithuanian border guards have launched 59 pre-trial investigations into the smuggling of people across the state border so far this year. A total of 86 people were detained for transporting people. The largest number of them are Ukrainian citizens and also include citizens of Iraq, Georgia, Poland, Syria, Germany and other countries.

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