Four surveillance towers erected on Latvian-Belarusian border

Four out of six towers for border surveillance have been installed in the Daugava river section near the Latvian-Belarusian border, "Valsts nekustamie īpašumi" (State Real Estate, VNĪ) said on September 13.

The construction of the towers will contribute to more effective and efficient control of the state border, and timely identification of cases of illegal border crossing and other violations in the border area.

The project cost more than EUR 3.6 million, 75% of which is from the European Union Fund and the rest from the state budget.

The Latvian-Belarusian border fence was completed in July and is 145 kilometers long. 

On the land sections where 112 km of the fence had already been built last year, the infrastructure is currently being built: patrol tracks for light vehicles (up to 3.5 tonnes) have been created for about 46.16 km (out of 119 km) and foot patrol tracks for about 17 km (out of 28 km). The construction of 1.75 km of pontoon patrol lines has been completed. These solutions allow border guards to access and control the border area.

The sections of the Latvian-Belarusian border where there is no border fence - the 16.7 km stretch of the Daugava around Lake Riču - are planned to be completed in 2025.

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