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Latvija palīdz atjaunot Ukrainas mācību iestādes

Schools re-open in Ukraine with Latvian help

In Ukraine's Chernihiv region, three educational institutions have been able to re-open their doors after being reconstructed with co-financing provided by Latvia.

The civilian buildings were badly damaged by Russian attacks during in the first days of that country's disgusting invasion, and the Latvian government allocated 2 million euros for their reconstruction.

Chernihiv is one of the oldest cities in Ukraine and Latvia has been developing a special relationship with the city and its surrounding district as part of reconstruction efforts even while Russia's brutal assault continues. Chernihiv Oblast borders both Russia and Belarus and was vacated by the Russian army on April 4, 2022, following its brief occupation by the invaders. The city was under siege and constantly under attack from rockets and artillery.

Three reconstructed educational institutions were re-opened on August 22. One of them is the Talalaivka lyceum, where the facade has been renovated and insulated, as well as major repairs made to the canteen. The damage to the school building was caused by the shockwaves and debris from various explosions. The lyceum has two buildings. It is the only 11-grade school in the district. Children from the city of Nizhyn also study at the lyceum.

The Kijinka kindergarten "Malyatko" was also reconstructed, the facade of which was renovated and insulated, windows were put in, the roof was replaced, and the interior of the building was renovated. This is the only kindergarten in the parish. A Russian missile fell a few meters from the building on the playground of the kindergarten.

Meanwhile, the Novia Bilous village council's Stary Bilous Lyceum has had its roof replaced and its water systems improved. A projectile hit the school grounds, some shrapnel also damaged the wall of the main building.

Parliamentary Secretary of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs Dace Melbārde, and Latvian Ambassador to Ukraine Ilgvars Kļava were present at the re-opening of the schools. Latvia's help will continue in the future, too. It is planned to completely restore two more sites: the catering block of the Chernihiv Regional Children's Hospital and the 19th preschool educational institution of the city of Chernihiv.

The government of Latvia agreed on Chernihiv as Latvia's priority reconstruction area in September 2022. The total Latvian support for the Chernihiv region through various ministries is planned to amount to 6 million euros this year.

If you would like to help rebuild Ukraine, you might like to consider making a donation via the Latvian public media official donation appeal, details of which you will find here.


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