Veterinarians ask that illegal breeders be penalized harshly

People should be punished more harshly for illegal breeding and trade of animals, believes the Latvian Veterinary Medical Association, which invites the Saeima to increase existing fines by up to 16 times immediately, Latvian Radio reported December 13.

The veterinary association invites the Saeima to take an immediate decision on significantly raising penalties for persons who profit unfairly through the illegal trade of animals.

The association is calling for the penalty to be increased for a natural person from the current €110 to €1,750, while for a legal person from the current €210 to €3,000.

The association believes the situation in the illegal breeding business could be improved. The head of the association, Professor Ilmārs Dūrītis, said that if the penalties are increased and the amount of the penalty significantly exceeds the benefits of trade in unregistered animals, the motivation to violate the law will be reduced and the possibility to trace the origin of the animal will increase.

 “As a result, there will be a reduction in cases where buyers are scammed and animals of unknown origin and state of health, unfortunate victims of breeding farms, are bought instead of a purebred animal,” said Dūrītis.


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