Ilmārs Mežs

Ilmārs Mežs

Dr.hist., vēsturnieks un demogrāfs, Vidzemes Augstskolas pētnieks

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Author's articles
100 years of Latvians and alcohol: Part Three
100 years of Latvians and alcohol: Part Three
Alcohol consumption in Latvia is periodically brought to the attention of our society. There is good reason - statistics show that we are among the leaders in consumption in Europe. Historians Gatis Krūmiņš and Ilmārs Mežs present a historical overview of how different governments have tackled the alcohol problem in Latvia over the last 100 years, and what has or has not been achieved.
100 years of Latvians and alcohol: Part Two
100 years of Latvians and alcohol: Part Two
Alcohol consumption in Latvia is periodically brought to the attention of our society. There is good reason - statistics show that we are among the leaders in consumption in Europe. Historians Gatis Krūmiņš and Ilmārs Mežs present a historical overview of how different governments have tackled the alcohol problem in Latvia over the last 100 years, and what has or has not been achieved.
100 years of Latvians and alcohol: Part One
100 years of Latvians and alcohol: Part One
Alcohol consumption in Latvia is periodically brought to the attention of our society. There is good reason - statistics show that we are among the leaders in consumption in Europe. Historians Gatis Krūmiņš and Ilmārs Mežs present a historical overview of how different governments have tackled the alcohol problem in Latvia over the last 100 years, and what has or has not been achieved.


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