Nearly 30,000 Ukrainians have turned to Latvian employment body since 2022

This year the State Employment Agency has already provided support to 3,700 Ukrainian war refugees, the State Employment Agency (NVA) told LETA September 8.

Since the beginning of March 2022 until the beginning of September this year, a total of 29,796 Ukrainians have received support from the NVA. 

Of these, the status of an unemployed person or a jobseeker has been granted to 9,433 Ukrainian citizens, while at the beginning of September 2024, the NVA records 1,369 Ukrainian citizens as unemployed persons or jobseekers, 73.9% of whom are women and 26.1% - men.

In March 2022, the NVA started to pay one-off employment starting allowance to Ukrainian residents who had entered employment in Latvia, and in October 2022 - one-off self-employment starting allowance.

By the beginning of July 2024, a total of 15,597 Ukrainians had been paid the employment allowance. Of these, 1,579 were paid in the first eight months of this year.

A total of 448 people have been paid the self-employment allowance so far, including 128 in the first eight months of this year.

At the beginning of July, the vacancy portal of the NVA showed 769 vacancies offered by 87 employers to Ukrainians, the NVA informs.

Ukrainian residents can receive support from the NVA at any NVA customer service point throughout Latvia.

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