Election body turns to law enforcement over party leader statements

The Central Election Commission (CVK) has turned to law enforcement authorities because of statements made by Rūdolfs Brēmanis, a board member of the party "Apvienība Jaunlatvieši/Alliance of Young Latvians", Kristīne Saulīte, chairwoman of the CVK, told LETA Tuesday evening.

Brēmanis posted a video on Facebook in which he said that "information has leaked that the votes that are left in storage [after early voting] are most likely to be forged". In the video, Brēmanis called on people to vote in the European Parliament elections on June 8, as "no one can guarantee that votes will not be switched".

The CVK says that it has referred Brēmanis' remarks to law enforcement authorities.

"Such blatant, unfounded slanders about the way the CVK works are a direct threat to voters' ability to trust democratic institutions," Saulīte said.

The CVK has referred Brēmanis' statements to the State Security Service, the State Police, and the Corruption Prevention and Combating Bureau.

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