Rīta Panorāma

ES boikotēs Ungārijas organizēto ārlietu ministru sanāksmi

Rīta Panorāma

Vasaras Dabas koncertzālē Jūrkalnē plaša kultūras programma

Intervija ar izglītības un zinātnes ministri Andu Čakšu

Latvia has 3% teacher shortage, says minister

Latvia currently has a shortage of around 3% of teachers, with the largest shortage in Rīga, as stated by the Minister of Education and Science Anda Čakša (New Unity") in the Latvian Television program "Morning panorama" on July 23.

"If we look at the total number of teachers, there is a shortage of about 3% of teachers. If we look at the percentage, it is not much. But if we put it on the whole map of Latvia, then every school is one teacher short. If we look regionally, the biggest shortage is in Rīga," the minister said.

Explaining the shortage of teachers in Rīga, Čakša said that it was mainly due to the pay system. "That's why I am pushing for a new funding model that prevents teachers from being shortchanged in some places."

The Minister also pointed out that efforts were being made to attract new teachers, but that the results would only be seen in 3-4 years.

"Scholarships for those studying to become teachers, part-time[study] budget seats, increase in the number of budget seats. The summer session started yesterday in the 'Teaching Force' program - 102 people wanting to become teachers. I would say there are a lot of places where we are investing now to get new teachers. I think we still need to address those who already have the opportunity to be teachers but have gone into other professions. [..] Those who are starting their studies will be teachers in four years," said Čakša. 

Looking to the future, Čakša said that the number of teachers should be sufficient in absolute terms, but that the main problem is that a large number of teachers are currently pre-retirement age. 

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