Two Covid deaths in Latvia Tuesday

Take note – story published 1 year and 9 months ago

Two deaths from Covid-19 have been recorded during the past 24 hours in Latvia, according to the Disease Prevention and Control Center (SPKC) on December 6.

Of 2,482 tests carried out over the past day, 18.3% were positive, resulting in 453 confirmed new cases of infection. The 14-day cumulative incidence rate per 100,000 population fell from 311 Monday to 302 Tuesday.

Since the beginning of the pandemic, 966,131 Covid-19 cases have now been recorded among Latvia's 1.9 million population. 

The total death toll since the beginning of the pandemic stands at 6,105. The latest two victims were aged over 50 years.

Monday hospital data from the National Health Service (NVD) show 303 patients being treated in hospitals, four of whom are displaying serious symptoms.


🏥 Aktuālā statistika par Covid-19 pacientu ārstēšanu stacionāros. Kopā stacionāros ārstējas 303 Covid-19 pacienti, tajā skaitā 101 ar pamatdiagnozi:
🟠 ar vidēji smagu slimības gaitu - 97
🟠 ar smagu slimības gaitu - 4
Jauni gadījumi - 29. Pēdējo 24h laikā izrakstīti - 22.

— Nacionālais veselības dienests (@VMNVD) December 5, 2022

Covid-19 information

A summary in English of the latest Covid-19 situation is available at this special government website.

You can find the latest Covid-19 statistics at this official website.

A hotline – 8989 – allows people to both register for vaccination and receive answers to questions about the process of vaccination will continue to operate. The number for medical emergencies is 113.

There is also a website to register for vaccination, which includes an English-language version.

If you have been fully vaccinated against Covid-19, or you have fully recovered from a confirmed case of it, you can obtain a digital certificate attesting to your status at the website

Latvia is also part of the European Union's wider Covid-19 certification scheme

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