Linda Spundiņa

Linda Spundiņa

Latvijas Radio raidījuma "Atvērtie faili" žurnāliste

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Latvian Radio investigates LGBT+ issues in eastern Latvia
Latvian Radio investigates LGBT+ issues in eastern Latvia
The LGBTQ+ community in Latvia is often subject to intolerant comments and sometimes violent attacks. Not only do the comments come from social media but also the parliament. Latvian Radio's investigative broadcast Atvērtie faili analyzed the situation in Latvia's eastern region Latgale, where surveys have shown people to be the least tolerant with regard to LGBT issues.
Minors should not be fined, Justice Ministry considers
Minors should not be fined, Justice Ministry considers
Should children be fined for administrative offenses? The Justice Ministry believes that fines for children should be waived because they aren't effective. Experts and Saeima members of the responsible committee agree, Latvian Radio reported April 4.
Man hit by train in Ogre, Latvia
Man hit by train in Ogre, Latvia
On Monday, March 27, in Ogre, a man has been run over by a train at the Jaunogre railway station, the State Police representative Līna Bagdone told Latvian Radio.
Thirteen injured in bus crash in Dobele municipality, Latvia
Thirteen injured in bus crash in Dobele municipality, Latvia
A bus landed in a ditch on Tuesday, February 7, morning in the Dobele municipality, and rescue work was needed for the release of two people, the State Fire and Rescue Service (VUGD) said. The Emergency Medical Service (NMPD) reported that 13 people were injured in the accident.
Latvian-produced military equipment travels to Ukraine
Latvian-produced military equipment travels to Ukraine
Latvian donors are sending military equipment manufactured locally to the Ukrainian army. Two months ago, the charity “” launched a donation-gathering campaign Labas ziņas (“Good News”) for the cause. Since then, EUR 439,768 has been donated. On Wednesday, January 25, the first military cargo traveled to Ukraine, Latvian Radio and Latvian Television reported.
Court employees ready to strike if salaries don't grow
Court employees ready to strike if salaries don't grow
Two-thirds of court employees are willing to strike if their salaries don't rise. Judicial Council Chairman Aigars Strupišs told Latvian Radio on January 9  that for a long time, the employees had been "starved", which would not happen if financially first and second-instance courts were independent of the Justice Ministry. The Judicial Council has a number of suggestions for the new Minister.
Surplus of low-skilled workers predicted for 2030 in Latvia
Surplus of low-skilled workers predicted for 2030 in Latvia
A number of industries are changing today, so once-gained knowledge is no longer sufficient for citizens to stay in the labor market. The declaration of this Government contains a commitment to improving labor access and lifelong learning policies. The Ministry of Economics forecasts a surplus of low-skilled workers in the future and pays particular attention to acquiring digital skills, Latvian Radio reported on January 5.
People less satisfied with Rīga's cultural life than four years ago
People less satisfied with Rīga's cultural life than four years ago
Residents' satisfaction with cultural life in Rīga has deteriorated over the past four years. Less satisfied with cultural life in the capital are the Russian-speakers. In the Ministry of Culture, it is linked to a lack of offers arising from the cessation of cultural relations with Russia, Latvian Radio reported on January 3.
Three dead on the ice this winter in Latvia
Three dead on the ice this winter in Latvia
The State Fire and Rescue Service (VUGD) has already removed three dead people from water bodies this year. In two cases, the equipment found next to him suggests that they had been ice fishing, VUGD spokeswoman Viktorija Gribuste told Latvian Radio on December 27..
Rīga has paid 40% more social benefits than last year
Rīga has paid 40% more social benefits than last year
In Rīga and several other municipalities surveyed by Latvian Radio December 14, the number of recipients of social benefits has increased. There has also been an increase in the number of poor and disadvantaged people.
Saeima rejects initiative on legal protection of all families
Saeima rejects initiative on legal protection of all families
The Saeima majority on Thursday rejected the society's initiative on the legal protection of all families, Latvian Radio reported. The initiative encouraged legally recognizing couples living outside the marriage union and ensuring their social protection.
Three charged in Bunkus murder case
Three charged in Bunkus murder case
Three persons have been charged with the murder of insolvency administrator Mārtiņš Bunkus, Rīga Court District Prosecutor Aldis Lasmanis said in a press conference on Thursday, December 8.
Saeima committee ditches civil union law
Saeima committee ditches civil union law
The Saeima Legal Affairs Committee on Tuesday decided not to continue work on the Civil Union Law started by the previous Saeima, Latvian Radio reported December 6. That means members of the 14th Saeima will not vote on a draft law that protects the legal relationship of all families.
24 criminal cases for drunk driving in one week in Latvia
24 criminal cases for drunk driving in one week in Latvia
For a week now, driving a car under heavy alcohol intoxication of 1.5 promilles and more has been a criminal offense, instead of an administratively punishable act. Despite that, drunk drivers still sit behind the wheel, and between November 25 when the act came into force, and December 1, police have launched 24 criminal cases, Latvian Radio reported Friday.
Budget rental building project submission launched in Latvia
Budget rental building project submission launched in Latvia
Application for regional low-cost rental building projects has started. It is a state aid scheme that hopes to address housing problems, as well as to attract workforce to municipalities. The first 300 apartments are expected to be built in the next two and a half years, and 15 property developers are currently interested, Latvian Radio reported on November 23.
Illegal TV and website usage in Latvia declines
Illegal TV and website usage in Latvia declines
Latvian residents' interest in illegal television programs and websites has declined, according to recent observations and study data, Latvian Radio reported on October 31.
No more pre-election campaigning as of Friday in Latvia
No more pre-election campaigning as of Friday in Latvia
From Friday, September 30, until Saturday, October 1, inclusive, the 'quiet' election period begins when political agitation is banned, the Corruption Prevention and Combating Bureau (KNAB) told Latvian Radio on Friday.
Early voting for Saeima election begins in Latvia
Early voting for Saeima election begins in Latvia
As of Monday, September 26, an early vote can be cast at the Saeima elections. Residents who cannot go to elections on Saturday, which is the official election day, can put their ballot in storage, Latvian Radio reported.
Healthcare workers' union announces warning strike
Healthcare workers' union announces warning strike
Latvian Health and Social Care Workers' Trade Union (LVSADA) agreed on a warning strike by the Cabinet on September 27 and 28, the Head of LVSADA Valdis Keris told Latvian Radio on September 20.
School year begins in Latvia with concerns about lack of teachers
School year begins in Latvia with concerns about lack of teachers
The new school year begins in Latvia, as usual, on September 1. The main challenges are the lack of study resources and teachers. These challenges are also accompanied by Ukrainian children joining schools and uncertainty about the Covid-19 situation, Latvian Television reported.


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