Defenses installed at more than 20 places along Latvia's eastern border

The Latvian Ministry of Defense confirmed July 30 that anti-mobility obstacles have been or are being installed at more than 20 places along Latvia's borders with aggressor states Russia and Belarus.

So-called "dragon's teeth" obstacles, anti-tank obstacles, barbed wire, concrete blocks and 'HESCO' barriers have been deployed on the Latvian-Russian and Latvian-Belarusian borders, in line with government plans approved in March.

Defense infrastructure on Latvia's eastern border
Defense infrastructure on Latvia's eastern border

"This is part of the creation of the Baltic Defense Line running along the entire Russian-Belarusian border which will include the creation of support points for the National Armed Forces units – defensive positions for soldiers and fortified defensive positions, various obstacles, anti-tank ditches, ammunition and mine depots," said the Ministry in a release. 

Accompanying pictures show large amounts of stockpiled items ready to be positioned as and when required.

A total of 303 million euros will be invested in the military strengthening of Latvia's eastern border over the next five years.

Defense infrastructure on Latvia's eastern border
Defense infrastructure on Latvia's eastern border

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