Dienas ziņas

Pašvaldību savienība: 2025. gada budžets atkal izdzīvošanas režīmā

Dienas ziņas

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Izpētīts, kā pašvaldībām veicas ar aprites ekonomiku

Which municipalities in Latvia are environment-friendliest?

For the first time in Latvia, a large-scale study has been carried out to analyze how each municipality deals with environmental sustainability issues. The results of the study was published September 11 and reported on by Latvian Radio and Latvian Television.

The circular economy principle is based on the belief that any material is a resource that can be recycled after use or can be used to create lasting value - for example, reducing waste by using your own water bottle instead of buying a new one every time, and to take care of what you have and repair it if necessary, or recycle it, such as clothes.

More than 20 Latvian scientists have carried out extensive research on how municipalities manage their resources, waste water and waste. The researchers presented the results of the index to representatives of municipalities and the general public.

"For the first time in Latvia, we have information on the whole of Latvia, on all municipalities. We can draw a line on what the situation is now, in the first half of 2024. And now we can say - we are no longer looking at the past, we are working for the future, because we have the data. We have the information," said lead researcher Dzintra Atstāja. She said that this is a great moment to start from a clean slate, because the results are in and municipalities can think about what to do next.

The results of the Circular Economy Index divide the overall scale into five groups: leaders (more than 500 points), experts (450-499 points), practitioners (400-449 points), conscientious (350-399 points) and indecisive (less than 349 points).

Two municipalities are in the "Leaders" group - Ventspils and Līvāni. They have achieved the highest scores in circularity, they have involved their citizens in achieving circularity objectives, they have raised awareness of the importance of circularity for well-being and sustainability.


The "Experts" manage the elements of the circular economy, put them into practice, and are able to explain their efforts to citizens. In total, there are seven municipalities in this group - Dienvidkurzeme, Valmiera, Daugavpils City, Rēzekne City, Kuldīga, Liepāja City and Smiltene.

Meanwhile, the "Practitioners" group, which implements a significant contribution to the circular economy in the municipality and extensively involves residents, includes 19 municipalities: Rīga, Ogre, Jēkabpils, Balvi, Cēsis, Aizkraukle, Jelgava, Salaspils, Augšdaugava, Ķekava, Tukums, Alūksne, Dobele, Olaine, Valka, Gulbene, Madona, Mārupe and Ropaži.

The fourth group, the "Conscientious" group, consists of 11 municipalities that implement the principles of the circular economy and explain them to citizens. The municipalities are Bauska, Preiļi, Talsi, Limbaži, Ventspils and Rēzekne municipalities, Jelgava, Saldus, Varakļāni, Saulkrasti and Ādaži.

The "indecisive" group, which the researchers describe as the group of municipalities identifying opportunities to integrate circularity in the provision of municipal functions, includes Ludza and Krāslava.

The index comprises four categories: resource management, economic and business transformation, community engagement and good governance. The assessment allows each municipality to understand in more detail which are the areas where further improvements are needed.

More detailed results can be found here.

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