
No rūpnīcas izbrauc pirmais Latvijā ražotais bruņutransportieris "Patria"


Vairumam apdrošinātāju atlīdzību būs limiti

Sods nelikumīgo medību dalībniekiem Jaunlutriņos

Suspended prison sentence imposed on illegal deer hunters in Latvia

A one-and-a-half-year suspended prison sentence with a probation period of two years and compensation to the state for the loss of €11,160 for two deer shot - this is the sentence handed down by the court to two hunters who, on December 9 last year, decided to shoot at deer from a moving car in a heavily trafficked area in Jaunlutriņi municipality.  

Latvian Television reports that the two defendants had already agreed with the prosecutor on a suspended prison sentence and the amount of compensation. The sentence was not changed at the hearing. Ēriks Štālberg, the lawyer of the driver of the car Kaspars Ķuda, said that the negotiations with the prosecutor were difficult. 

"The prosecutor, representing the public interest, considered that a very severe penalty should be applied in this case. Only taking into account the guilty plea, and the character, the young children in the family, in principle found the possible to impose a suspended sentence, although, in principle, the prosecutor's office initially considered that only a custodial sentence was appropriate," said Štālbergs.

Both Kaspars Ķuda and the deer shooter Mārtiņš Karlsons will not appeal the verdict.


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