Kristaps Feldmanis

Kristaps Feldmanis autors un Latvijas Radio Ziņu dienesta programmu vadītājs

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Vaccination pace expected to slow down this week
Vaccination pace expected to slow down this week
Today is the day for 594 medics to receive the second jab of Covid-19 vaccine, as 21 days have passed since the first day of vaccinations, Health Ministry's spokesman Oskars Šneiders told Latvian Radio January 18.
Man denied kidney transplant because of Covid-19 contact
Man denied kidney transplant because of Covid-19 contact
29-year-old Mārtiņš Čampa has severe chronic kidney disease. On Tuesday, a suitable kidney had been found for transplantation. But the operation was cancelled because of possible contact with Covid-19, Latvian Radio reported January 14.
Oil leaked onto railway in Valmiera
Oil leaked onto railway in Valmiera
On Thursday, October 8, a total of 26 tons of petroleum products were leaked from a railway tank at the East-West Transit oil base, the commander of the State Fire and Rescue Service (VUGD) Vidzeme Brigade Janis Krastins said in an interview to Latvian Radio October 9.
Infectologist: Universities a high COVID-19 risk
Infectologist: Universities a high COVID-19 risk
The Ministry of Health's main infectologist and epidemiologist Uga Dumpis has expressed concern that an outbreak of COVID-19 could be facilitated by the resumption of learning on-site, Latvian Radio reported September 2
Brukna community leader counters claims of children's rights violations
Brukna community leader counters claims of children's rights violations
Last week, the State Inspectorate For Protection Of Children's Rights (VBTAI) and the Ombudsman discovered a number of children's rights violations at the religious community "Kalna svētību kopiena" at Brukna Manor. On August 25, in a press conference, the leader of the community, priest Andrejs Mediņš countered the allegations.
Latvian scientists on claimed Russian COVID-19 vaccine
Latvian scientists on claimed Russian COVID-19 vaccine
On Tuesday, August 11, Russia was first to announce a registered vaccine against COVID-19, to be distributed in September already. Latvian Radio spoke to a few experts August 12 who were not quite as convinced of the efficacy of the vaccine.
Pre-election campaign materials on the loose in Riga
Pre-election campaign materials on the loose in Riga
Ahead of the Riga City Council's emergency elections, various political forces and candidates are increasingly active - but the pre-election campaign materials do not always end up where intended, Latvian Radio said August 11.
Medical pay expected to rise to 3 times Latvian average over 7 years
Medical pay expected to rise to 3 times Latvian average over 7 years
The Ministry of Health has developed a new remuneration model for medical practitioners, to be introduced over seven years. On average, doctors' remuneration is expected to rise to the average salary of 2.74 of the Latvian economy. A gradual increase in wages is also intended for nurses, Latvian Radio said July 29.
Gulbene municipality reinforces COVID-19 restrictions
Gulbene municipality reinforces COVID-19 restrictions
On Tuesday, an order issued by the Gulbene Municipality Council chairman takes effect, calling on the municipal authorities to comply with stricter security measures, Latvian Radio reported July 28.
Riga elections will go ahead place despite COVID-19 issues
Riga elections will go ahead place despite COVID-19 issues
The Central Election Commission (CVK) said July 14 that, in the event of a spread of COVID-19, up to half the polling stations used for the upcoming Rīga municipal elections could be closed. Additional costs to secure elections in the COVID-19 circumstances amount to EUR 440 000. Despite this, the elections will still take place, Latvian Radio reported.
International transport could resume from May 13
International transport could resume from May 13
International passenger transport by air and sea could be resumed on May 13, and transport by land on May 18, said Transport Minister Tālis Linkaits (New Conservative Party) on Latvian Radio May 6.


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